Wednesday 29 September 2010

Pregnancy induced eating disorders

I read in today's Monitor (30 September 2010), the section on pregnancy, the writer was seriously chastising all who approach her to "tap" her food with hands whose cleaninliness is suspect. That however was not her only stress. She is also disturbed by the fact that people can go out of their way to beg a pregnant woman for her food. Now i relate with her ever so much. Am not pregnant but boy oh boy workmates who feel like they are planned for in your meal plan for the day can be quite a stress factor. I have no issue with sharing but I prefer that you ask me, I offer to buy you your own and we take it from there. Am going through a phase where I count calories and try not to over indulge. The problem with having to share my food is that I feel like I am not as satisfied as I should be since my 230 calories would be reduced by one taking a bite off my meal!

About these eating disorders... do share what strange changes have happened in past pregnancies or are happening to you as we speak.
I remember when i was carrying No.1 (as we call him) i totally got off bread (my all time favourite breakfast bigenderako), milk tea (even my siblings didn't click this one), PORK (am still shocked about this one myself). I replaced all this with boiled sweet potatoes, cassava and such like :-) not forgetting peanut sauce. I ate Peanut sauce with anything. Fish, beef, greens name it. There was a restaurant across from my office that served food from the Northern region of Uganda. I can still remember the delight with which I watched the clock chime 12:30pm ( I adjusted my lunch time to suit my needs) to set me off on the slow waddle to the restaurant.
I was and still am afraid of putting on weight so I tried to be as healthy as I could by feeding mainly on fruit and greens in between meals and i must say it trully paid off. I gained a total of 13kgs and lost most of them after i gave birth only to gain back about 5 unwanted ones due to the myths of drinking porridge for breast milk manufacture. Just so you know the porridge was for nothing... my milk continued to refuse to gush out as some say it should.
So, tell me. What strange eating habits did you pick up during your pregnancy? have you automatically gone back to normal? have you lost most of your pregnacy weight?

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